Special issue of American Eurasian Journal of Agriculture & Environmental Sciences

Call for Papers

American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences

Special Issue On

 "Tourism & Environment, Social and Management Sciences"


On behalf of American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences (JAES), I would like to invite Colleagues & Academic Research Scientists around the world to send their research papers in the fields of: Tourism & Environment, Social and Management Sciences to be published in a special issue of American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences. JAES is an ISI journal, indexed by EI, publishes twice a month since 2006 (24 issues annually). JAES is a peer-reviewed journal of IDOSI publications with international standards and indexed by a number of international indexing services including CABI, CSA, FSTA, DOAJ, e-journals Database, Index Copernicus with ISSN: 1818-6769 EISSN: 1990-4053. Kindly be informed that all conference related accepted articles are counted as reviewed once; reviewers from our web referees online list available on www.wasj.org will be invited for second review. Please prepare your papers according to IDOSI journal format (instructions to authors are available on www.wasj.org). JAES shall take into special consideration the recommendations by the scientific committee headed by the Guest Editor:

Professor Dr. Ahmad Puad Mat Som

Faculty of Applied Social Sciences

Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin

Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia


 You may send your full paper directly to the Guest Editor or submit online for special issue "Management Special Issue" through www.wasj.org online system. Please make a note to Editor in Chief for publication in the special issue on Tourism & Environment, Social and Management Sciences”.

 Important dates:

Submission of full papers

September 30, 2015

Confirmation of acceptance

November 15, 2015

Publication Date

December 31, 2015


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