Prof. Jafari Samimi offers Special Issue on Economics

Call for Papers

Special Issue On



On be half of World Applied Sciences Journal, I would like to invite Colleagues & Academic Research Scientists around the world to send their research papers in the fields of: Economics to publish in a special issue of Middle East Journal of Scientific Research. MEJSR is an ISI journal, indexed by Thompson web of knowledge monthly published since 2006 (12 issues annually). This is a peer-reviewed journal of IDOSI publishing company with international standards indexed by a number of international references:

·         EBSCO

·         Cross Ref; DOI (USA)

·         Eur-Asia Database;

·         Intl Agric Database;

·         Index Copernicus

·         DOAJ, Sweden 

·         Islamic World Science Citation Database (ISC)

·         Thomson Reuters


Kindly be informed that all related conference accepted articles are counted as reviewed once and for the 2nd review, the potential reviewers from our MEJSR referees list will be invited. Please prepare your paper according to journal format (instruction to authors can be found on our web We shall take into special consideration the recommendations by the scientific committee headed by our Guest Editor:  

 Prof. Dr. Ahmad Jafari Samimi




You may send your paper directly to the Guest Editor or submit online for special issue though "WWW.WASJ.ORG" online system. Please make a note to Editor in Chief for publication in special issue on “Economics



Important dates:


Manuscript Due:                     Oct. 25, 2012

Reviewers’ comments due:     Dec. 15, 2012

Publication Date:                    March 1, 2013

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Send date : 7/8/2011 11:44:58 AM
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